reef fish

This was one day we get in a hundred…

We had one of these magic days on the water today, no wind and the sea like a lake, clear sky, sunny and warm. With big schools of mackerel mixed in with bonito and reef fish. And Sammy The Seal wasn’t there stealing the catch like yesterday. The team did really well with a 25 + kilo box of mixed fish. This was Mandy’s first fishing trip and she did very well, outfishing a couple of the guys. You know, sea conditions make a big difference to the day. That is why we are conservative and with difficult conditions rather reschedule to make it a positive experience for our customers. It’s been a strange summer, in fact no summer at all with below average temperatures and lots of rain. And the catchment dams have filled up to 83%.
But it is hopefully getting better, the offshore water temp is coming up to 25C, dolphin fish are there and marlin in about 70 fathom.

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