Tuna preparation for cooking

This not a specific cooking recipe but more about preparing fish like striped tuna, mackerel tuna and other pelagic species. By the way, credit goes to Deckie Steve who came up with this and it has been proven correct with many people saying, “That’s the best piece of fish I’ve ever had”

Have your trolling lines going and when you get a hook-up quickly bring in the fish, then

Bleed the fish by cutting its throat and immerse in a bin of sea water
Gut the fish and place it in a container, we use polystyrene boxes with a mix of ice and sea water to chill the body
Keep it in the same ice cold conditions until you are home
On a cutting board, fillet the fish and skin from the head down, then

With each fillet, cut along the blood line in the middle of each side and discard the dark blood section or keep as excellent bait for next fishing trip
Now you have four pieces of fillets. Place them in a shallow container, cover with water and three or four tablespoons of salt. Put it in the fridge for about two hours
You will now find that the water has turned a little pink because the salt draws blood from the meat
Throw away the water and replace it with some inexpensive white wine and marinate for an hour.
Cut the fillets in 3-4 cm pieces and now it’s ready to be cooked! It can be any old recipe like a stir-fry, or tossed in a frying pan with a bit of garlic or onion, or perhaps some of your favorite Asian spices. Or place the fish pieces on a BBQ but do not overcook, just a minute or two on each side to keep the meat moist.

So it’s boneless fish with an interesting flavor and kids like it. I suggest that you serve the fish with a green salad or vegetables, rice or potato chips.

Enjoy – and remember, it’s all in the preparations.

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