chaarter fishing sydney

We had a very nice team onboard today, fishing Port Hacking FAD and the Continental Shelf

The day started with choppy sea after the strong wind yesterday. As we headed east the conditions improved and the sea warmed up a little to 23.3 degrees at the FAD. But the fish were not there! One reason, we think, is that the current has turned from racing south at three knots to a slight run to the north, perhaps half a knot. And further out on the continental shelf there were no signs of bait fish, birds or current lines. As we turned west to head towards the coast we were lucky to find a float and a bundle of rope. And under it we found a few dolphin fish! They are one of our favourite fish with qualities like: beautiful colours, really good sport fish, easy to clean and excellent eating quality. So Darren and Chris, enjoy you mahi mahi dinner and the tuna for Grant.

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